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I'm on my feet about 15 hours a day, and by the time less than half of the day was gone, my feet were hurting to the point where I was almost in tears. So on Saturday, 02/03/07, I had worked hard all week and I had worked that day as well. My feet were hurting so bad, I called my daughter and had her call Coil-Zone in Morganton, North Carolina, to see how late they were open. I was so thrilled to hear I had time to get there. When I arrived at the store, I tried on a pair of Z-CoiL® shoes and walked around the store for a few minutes. My feet quit hurting. I was amazed. I bought a pair on the spot. I had heard about Z-CoiL® shoes on a local radio station (KIX-103) Thanks, Z-CoiL. I've worn them ever since.


Granitefalls,  NC   United States

I am a registered nurse and work in open heart surgery. I sometimes stand on my feet for more than 12 hours. These shoes have greatly increased my ability to stand for long periods of time without pain. While other shoes may be comfortable for a while, Z-CoiL® shoes are not only comfortable from the moment that I put them on, they are comfortable all day long. Not only are my feet pain-free all day, but my legs and back are pain-free as well. I used to have to change shoes through the day to help revive my feet and decrease the pain, but this is no longer necessary with the Z-CoiL® shoes. They truly are the best shoes that I have ever tried, and I have tried A LOT of shoes!!



After an unsuccessful bunion surgery, I have lived with daily foot pain and an uneven gait. At one point I was hospitalized for a week because of pain radiating up my body from my foot. The weekend before I bought my Z-CoiL shoes, I was told by a chiropractor that I should "apply for disability" because of the pain I was suffering.

I put on the Z-CoiL shoes and walked across the store. My family told me that they could see the difference in my face as I walked without pain.

All the other shoes in my closet now gather dust - I only wear Z-CoiL. I'll be buying a pair of tennis shoes when the warm weather arrives in Iowa.

I tell as many people as I can about the difference Z-CoiL shoes have made in my life. I've run out of brochures and business cards to give to people - send me more!


Traer,  IA   USA

I'm a healthcare professional who travels. I have also had foot problems forever. I've got flat feet and Morton’s syndrome. Years ago I had major problems, and the doctors were wanting me to have surgery to have the misalignment corrected (they wanted to break my feet and reset the bones!). They warned me that if I didn’t have the surgery, one day I would really regret it. Well, stubborn as I am, I thought there is no way I'm letting them do this. I've always been diligent about wearing shoes with good support and up until recently this worked okay for me. I still had pain/swelling from time to time, but dealt with it as the problems surfaced.

The hospital where I'm currently contracted is very large and very busy. I'm on my feet constantly. One busy weekend, my feet started making this horrible crunching noise with each step and I was in complete agony and downing mass quantities of ibuprofen just to be able to complete that shift. Yes, the problems of my very active youth were resurfacing. I was developing metatarsal fractures in both feet and tearing some ligaments as well.

Desperate, 400 miles from home and barely able to walk, I called my doctor and told him what was going on. He INSISTED that I find a shoe store that sells Z-CoiL® shoes and buy them immediately. He also told me as soon as I could to come in and see him for some bone scans, etc.

These shoes have literally saved my feet! I went out and purchased them, lucky that there is a dealer here where I'm at (Springshod Shoes in Dayton, OH) and wore them out of the store . . . and directly to work. They say that some people don’t get complete relief from these shoes for a few days or weeks, but my pain relief was immediate. I went to work, ran around all night long and needed NO ibuprofen. My feet did not swell even a tiny bit, and in the morning when my 12-hour shift was over, had ZERO pain.

Okay, so I'm hard-headed. A couple of days later I needed to go to the store, so I wore my much-loved running shoes. Within minutes my feet were in extreme pain! After a few nights off I was scheduled to work five 12-hour shifts in a row. Thanks to these wonderful shoes, I did just that. I was absolutely free from pain, swelling, or any discomfort at all. I haven't thrown out my other shoes YET, but I sure can't wear them. And I'm sure that before my contract here ends, I WILL be buying several more pairs.

Buying these shoes was like buying a brand new pair of feet. I cannot express just how much these shoes have done for me. Yes, they are expensive, but without them I would not be able to work and as a single mother, I have to work. Thank you.


Dayton,  OH   US

In November of 2006 I participated in the 3-day/60-mile breast cancer walk to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. This was the third year I had participated in this walk. The first year I wore regular tennis shoes and had some blister problems. I also developed plantar fasciitis in my right foot, which necessitated surgery. The second year I wore a different brand of tennis shoes and had major blister problems and foot pain. The tennis shoes I used both years could not withstand the number of miles I put on them in my training walks and the actual walk. The tread was worn down so the soles of the shoes were flat and smooth, and the insides of the shoes were worn, leaving holes in the fabric.

Because of all my foot pain my doctor suggested I get Z-CoiL shoes for my training for the 2006 walk and for the walk itself. I took his advice and purchased my shoes at Aubry's Therapeutic Footwear in Torrance. These shoes made all the difference for me in my training and the 2006 walk. The foot pain I had been experiencing in both feet disappeared. I only developed a couple of blisters on the walk, but they were not an issue. I'm amazed that with the hundreds of miles I have put on these shoes, they are not worn out. In fact, they're still like new. There is no visible wear on the soles at all and the insides are still in great shape.

I'm so glad I took my doctor's advice. 2006 was the best of the three years I have done the walk.


Santa Clarita,  CA   


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